Sexual Misadventures 2 From Other Women Of Certain Ages

Sexual Misadventures 2 From Other Women Of Certain Ages

Compiled from readers’ stories about their experiences when treading the trials and tribulations of their sexual development and those moments that no one told you would happen and you had to do an eenie-meenie-minee and mo to get the answer, since your parents aren’t sharing and even if they were, you would prefer not to ask the embarrassing questions about how to do it successfully.

Only that rare breed of man really knows what a G-spot is anyway, or can identify one without instructions or spot a clitoris without a detailed roadmap. The rest just whip the pecker out and hope that what they think they’ve found is in fact, what they were looking for. If not, for them it doesn’t really matter, because a hole is a hole is a hole, and they’ll still have their happy ending if you know what I mean.

Sharing your funny stories about these male folk and their sexual foibles is what makes us laugh out loud and is what the 2nd book is all about, so send in your tales of the unexpected, and look out for the best ones as they appear in book 2.

And just to keep things even let’s hear from the guys out there who have some equally funny, embarrassing, and hilarious anecdotes to share with their female counterparts. They may not include body parts because perspectives differ greatly, and we could all learn a thing or two from each other. After all you can’t have one view told without the other to balance the scales.

This much fun won’t work without you all, so let’s get it on in time for the perfect Christmas stocking filler!


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For that group of women who have achieved the status required for entry to this elitist community. They know what’s what, and where it is, or at least where it should be and what it does. It’s a funny old world and sometimes you just have to laugh about it or it can drive you nuts. So “Bendy dicks”, and “Stumped by the dick that never was” are hilarious anecdotes from book one. “But I bought you a meal” is an education on the way some men think about you when sex is on their mind. Only that rare breed of man really knows what a G-spot is, can identify a g-spot without instructions or spot it without a roadmap. The rest just whip the pecker out and hope that what they think they found was in fact, what they were looking for. If not, for them it doesn’t really matter, because a hole is a hole and they’ll still have that happy ending. Sharing your funny stories about these male folk and their sexual foibles is what makes us laugh out loud and is what Part 2 is all about. LMFAO!

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50 Subscribers

As we grow and develop our sexual journey there are without doubt, moments that will make you laugh out loud. From the sublime to the ridiculous, it's all there. You decide whether the guy gets your attention if he makes you laugh a lot without being foolish, or is just too George Clooney to ignore.

Maybe you'll just settle because you're not a fan of the pretty boy who spends more time in the mirror than you do which is definitely not on, or maybe you prefer your guy with the kind of face only his mother could love. Let's not forget the bad boy image has its own brand of charm that sucks you in before you even realise that you're being sucked in, remember they're sales men. They just happen to be the product being sold to you…

Who cares, its all gravy so share your stories in this follow-up book which only works if you contribute your tales of the unexpected. We often get advise from our mates or peers, and share our disasters and successes alike. They could be sending you down a rabbit hole and advising on things they really know nothing about, but still we listen.

Was your first date with James Bond or Mr Bean? Do you prefer an Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Danny De Vito or maybe the geek ushanka hat included; or whoever gets your vote after too much wine? Is he the guy you would sooner chop your arm off rather than wake him the following morning, we can't wait to hear about it.

50 unique stories will win a place in book 2 which will be published in time for a Christmas release and one of them could be yours. If your story is included you will get your copy free of charge as a big thank you. Our other lucky Subscribers will get 50% off their copy of the book.

Subscribers can choose to be anonymous or say it loud and proud, it's your call so you decide and let's just have some fun. Either way send in your email to get the ball rolling, but remember 25 Subscribers minimum are required to complete this book. Check the "Look Inside" link for a story idea and don't get hung up on the editing I'll do that for you. If in doubt send your story in because it needs to here by OCTOBER 28th to guarantee its inclusion if it is selected from all the entries.


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dark humour and themes of retribution, empowerment, and starting again

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I have 13 stories that I am working on right now, which may sound crazy and that’s because it is. Whichever story I work on will depend on the mood I’m in and the character or setting I decide to focus on, either of which could determine my enthusiasm. But the one thing that’s for sure is it’s always going to be fun, and I wait for you to let me know which story grabs your curiosity. So keep up buttercup!